Supervision and visit of the leadership of the National Development Corporation from the progress of second phase of Qosh Tepa Canal!
Abdul Rahman Attash, CEO of the National Development Corporation, in his trip to the north of the country, visited the practical work of the second phase of Qosh Tepa canal and directed the provincial officials of this project to speed up the work of the second phase.
The second phase of Ghoshtipeh canal, which is 177 kilometers long, has been dug from Dawlat Abad district of Balkh province. Also, several big bridges will be built on this route to connect different districts on this route.
Officials of the National Development Corporation say that the excavation work of the second phase of the Qosh Tepa Agricultural Canal will be completed in one year.
Also, CEO of National Development Corporation supervised the progress of the Qosh Tepa canal dam, and told to the officials, engineers and workers that the Qosh Tepa canal dam is one of the basic and important parts, they should pay more attention to its construction and work round the clock to complete it as soon as possible.
Qosh Tepa Canal, which is the largest agricultural and national project of Afghanistan, the National Development Corporation is committed to complete this canal so that our beloved country of Afghanistan can achieve economic progress and prosperity by using the water of the Amo Sea and the northern lands of the country in the agricultural and industrial sectors.
Supervision and visit of the leadership of the National Development Corporation from the progress of second phase of Qosh Tepa Canal!
Abdul Rahman Attash, CEO of the National Development Corporation, in his trip to the north of the country, visited the practical work of the second phase of Qosh Tepa canal and directed the provincial officials of this project to speed up the work of the second phase.
The second phase of Ghoshtipeh canal, which is 177 kilometers long, has been dug from Dawlat Abad district of Balkh province. Also, several big bridges will be built on this route to connect different districts on this route.
Officials of the National Development Corporation say that the excavation work of the second phase of the Qosh Tepa Agricultural Canal will be completed in one year.
Also, CEO of National Development Corporation supervised the progress of the Qosh Tepa canal dam, and told to the officials, engineers and workers that the Qosh Tepa canal dam is one of the basic and important parts, they should pay more attention to its construction and work round the clock to complete it as soon as possible.
Qosh Tepa Canal, which is the largest agricultural and national project of Afghanistan, the National Development Corporation is committed to complete this canal so that our beloved country of Afghanistan can achieve economic progress and prosperity by using the water of the Amo Sea and the northern lands of the country in the agricultural and industrial sectors.
Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs visits National Development Corporation
Alhaj Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs visited different sections of National Development Corporation and appreciated National Development Corporation’s efforts in the development of the country.
Honorable Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhond, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs said: National Development Corporation has made great achievements in a short time, and has shown the capabilities of the Islamic system and Afghans to the world in the best way.
Honorable Mullah Abdul Ghani, Baradar Akhand, assured the comprehensive cooperation of the leadership of the Islamic Emirate with this Corporation.
Abdul Rahman Attash, CEO of the National Development Corporation, appreciated the visit of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund, and assured that the National Development Corporation has comprehensive plans in the development and self-sufficiency of the country, and work is going on, on some of them.
Detailed feasibility study of 300 MW Coal fired power plant in Afghanistan
Detailed feasibility study of 300 MW Coal fired power plant in Afghanistan
شماره سند درخواست نرخگیری : NDC/ HCD /1402/CS-001
بدینوسله به اطلاع داوطلبان علاقمند رسانیده می شود که قبلا ً پروژه تدارک خدمات مشورتی مطالعات امکان سنجی نیروگاه 300 مگاواتی با سوخت زغال سنگ Detailed feasibility study of 300 MW Coal fired power plant in Afghanistan دارای گود نمبر سند درخواست نرخگیری : NDC/ HCD /1402/CS-001 بتاریخ 4 سرطان 1402 مورخ 25 June, 2023 به اعلان سپرده شده بود.
بنابر رخصتی های عید و غرض اشتراک وسیع داوطلبان علاقمند، میعاد تسلیمی آفر از 12 سرطان 1402 مطابق 03 July, 2023 به 11 July 2023 مصادف به 20 سرطان 1402 ساعت 10:30 am تمدید شده است، داوطلبان میتوانند آفر های سر بسته خویش را به آدرس ویا ایمیل آدرس مندرج سند درخواست نرخگیری ضمیمه شده در ویب سایت ذیل بتاریخ متذکره تسلیم نمایند. البته اسناد درخواست تدارکات از ویب سایت شرکت انکشاف ملی ( NDC.GOV.AF ) ویا از آدرس ( قصبه خانه سازی، کابل، افغانستان ) بدست آورده میتوانند. سایر شرایط و مواد محفوظ می باشد.
.داوطلبان میتوانند در صورت مشکل و یا وضاحب از طریق ایمیل آدرس و شماره ذیل به تماس شوند
Download Link: Detailed feasibility study of 300 MW Coal fired power plant in Afghanistan
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